
The power of Amazon Brand Registry

Wovenhill specialise in handcrafted rattan furniture. With 15 years of industry experience, they have gained a reputation for creating beautiful, high-quality, and affordable woven storage solutions for contemporary homes.

Global Amazon Markets

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The Challenge

Wovenhill approached Fluid in May 2022 looking for support on Amazon. They wanted to:

They were seeking a more effective approach to advertising on Amazon with the goal of:


The Solution

Wovenhill did not have a Brand Registry in place. This meant they were not fully utilising the Amazon platform and didn’t have access to any advanced brand-building features.

Our first act was to assist with a successful brand registry application. We then created A+ Content and set up a Brand Store. This enabled us to utilise Sponsored Brand campaigns within advertising.

To support their goals, we also overhauled their advertising account and started to implement a new ad strategy to make it easier to optimise the ads and take advantage of Amazon Advertising’s more advanced tactics.

The Work

To start, we restructured the existing campaigns and organised the account into category-led portfolios.

We ramped up their advertising game by creating multiple Sponsored Product campaigns, ensuring we had full coverage across all ASINs and relevant targets.

Next, we expanded our keyword and ASIN targets using data harvested from the existing campaigns, supplemented with comprehensive keyword and competitor research.

We had to bid aggressively to ensure we had high visibility and were competitive within the market.

Finally, we launched Sponsored Brand and Sponsored Display campaigns, tapping into more placements and targeting options which further enhanced the brand’s audience awareness.

This allowed us to conduct A/B testing and discover which product titles and ad copies resonated best with our target audience.

The Results

The Sponsored Brand and Sponsored Display campaigns have contributed over 20% to total ad revenue throughout Q3 & Q4 2022.

Throughout the same time period, the Brand Store accounted for 16% of overall revenue sales, with Sponsored Brand campaigns being the largest source responsible for over 60% of store sales.

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